
Fall 2024 (Class of 2028) Tufts Writing Prompts Tufts replaced one of its long 250 word essays and created a new, shorter why Tufts. We are updating our app as new information comes out, including prompts, testing requirements, and more. Applicants to the School of Arts & Sciences or the […]

Fall 2024 (Class of 2028) Tufts Writing Prompts

USC always has great quick takes–short,really short questions. Two new ones this year: Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate? If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be? Applicants can share how cool they are in their responses. All College Application […]

Favorite Fall 2020 New Prompt #3-USC Quick Takes

College Application Essay Guides
Working on the drafts of college application essays? The drafting process is critical and can help make your stories and messages clearer. Please be willing to draft and re-write to make your essays stronger. Here are 10 questions to help guide you through the editing process. I hope they can help […]

Can I Picture You?: 10 College Application Essay Guiding ...

IECA Spring 2015 Presenter and Exhibitor Baltimore native Dr. Rebecca Joseph will be presenting at Spring 2015 IECA on the amazing topic of “Rehabbing Your Image: Using College Essays To Strengthen Applications of Students Who Have Experienced Challenges.” She will be presenting with fellow IECA member Elizabeth Stone and U VA Associate […]

IECA Spring 2015: Baltimore Here We Come, Hon

Thanks For Visiting Us At HECA Everyone values our unique app. Listen to this short video by Joan Thomas, who praised us at WACAC and HECA 2014. “This is so app is so fantastic and it improves my productivity… I think it’s awesome. I think every student and every counselor […]

Thanks For Visiting Us At HECA

2013-2014 University of Colorado-Boulder Writing Supplement Welcome the Common App, Boulder!!! With one long supplemental essays, we should see a dramatic increase in out -of-state apps. The University of Colorado Boulder’s Flagship 2030 strategic plan promotes exceptional teaching, research, scholarship, creative works, and service distinguishing us as a premier university. […]

2013-2014 University of Colorado-Boulder Writing Supplement

2013-2014 University of Oregon and Clark Honors College Essays 2013-2014 Application Went Live on August 1 Required Freshman Essay Essay: No more than 50 lines, 500 words, or 4000 characters. Paste in. Essay Topic: The UO is interested in learning more about you. Write an essay (500 words maximum) that shares information […]

2013-2014 University of Oregon and Clark Honors College Essays

2013-2014 ELON APPLICATION features new Think Fasts and Long Essay Prompts. Think Fast The Admissions Committee enjoys getting to know Elon applicants. Please answer the following statements in no more than two sentences: What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment? What is the best piece of advice you […]

2013-2014 Elon Application Essays

Last Saturday, Dr. Joseph and Juan Chavez, a first gen freshman at UC Riverside, shared strategies at East Side Stories at Roosevelt High School in east LA about helping teachers and college access advocates embed college application and scholarship essay writing strategies into their high school English classes. These autobiographical […]

Application Essays As Powerful Counter-Narratives

Honors College Essay Time It’s time to write applications for honors colleges. You must check to see whether you can use what you have already submitted to that college. If you must start from scratch, tell a story that is recent and really relates to where you envision yourself making […]

Honors College Essay Time