Application Essays As Powerful Counter-Narratives

Last Saturday, Dr. Joseph and Juan Chavez, a first gen freshman at UC Riverside, shared strategies at East Side Stories at Roosevelt High School in east LA about helping teachers and college access

Juan with his Folklorico group at UC Riverside

Juan with his Folklorico group at UC Riverside

advocates embed college application and scholarship essay writing strategies into their high school English classes. These autobiographical narratives can help students tell counter-narratives about their lives and worlds to colleges. They work perfectly with the new Common Core standards.

We want students to have college options so they can return and empower their families, communities, and the world. We want them to tell specific stories that share their core qualities and beliefs to colleges and scholarship groups.

Over the next few weeks we will share our curriculum ideas. We look forward to sharing them and even piloting them at your school or community organization sites. If you want a copy of our powerpoint, you can access it on slideshare.

We ask if you use the materials in your schools that you replace our pictures and essays with your those of your students as kids really do better with reading about their peers than strangers.

Here is a picture of Juan in his folklorico group at UC Riverside.

About Rebecca

Dr. Rebecca Joseph is the developer of this unique integrated website and mobile application that provides all college application requirements for more than 1,1100 major universities in the US and Canada. She has a PhD from UCLA and is a national expert on writing powerful college application essays.

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