Writing Your Essay: GREAT ADVICE FROM BATES COLLEGE http://www.bates.edu/admission/apply/tips-for-a-great-application/writing-the-essay/ “What’s the purpose of this essay? We (BATES COLLEGE) place a premium on strong writing skills. We look for a mastery of the writing’s mechanics (grammar, syntax, and organization) as well as for fluency and originality. Your essay shows us the […]
Monthly Archives: July 2013
2013-2014 Universal Application Is Now Open Freshman Essay Required for all 38 Universal Application collegess One Long Upload or Paste in. 6000 character limit Please upload (files must be under 1MB) and/or write an essay (500 words or less) on a topic of your choice that demonstrates your ability to […]
2013-2014 Universal Application Is Open

2013-2014 Tufts Writing Supplement Class of 2018 Thanks to Tufts for updating its supplemental essays. Three of the essays are new and all give great chances for students to share unique new stories and essays. http://admissions.tufts.edu/apply/essay-questions/ Here what Tufts has to say: “When you visit the Common Application website to […]
2013-2014 Tufts Writing Supplement

2013-2014 ELON APPLICATION features new Think Fasts and Long Essay Prompts. Think Fast The Admissions Committee enjoys getting to know Elon applicants. Please answer the following statements in no more than two sentences: What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment? What is the best piece of advice you […]
2013-2014 Elon Application Essays

UNC 2013-2014 Writing Supplement After much discussion among the admissions committee, we’ve now selected the essay prompts for the 2013-2014 first-year application. We hope they will inspire you to write an essay that will help us understand who you are, how you think, and what you might contribute to the […]
2013-2014 University of North Carolina (UNC) Writing Supplement

2013-2014 University of Pennsylvania Writing Supplement Thanks to Penn’s Dean Furda for the best advice possible for Penn’s supplements specifically and college specific supplements in general. You need to envision your four year path…”what can you build and create” individually and collaboratively with other students, professors, community members ? You […]