2013-2014 Brown Writing Supplement 
1. Why are you drawn to the area(s) of study you indicated in our Member Section, earlier in this application? If you are “undecided” or not sure which Brown concentrations match your interests, consider describing more generally the academic topics or modes of thought that engage you currently. (Required.150 word limit. Paste in)
2. Some schools offer students the opportunity to take national exams in areas such as math and language. These exams include, but are not limited to, AIME, AMC 10, Le Grand Concours, National Spanish Exam, National Latin Exams. If you have taken any of these exams (or any other subject-based national or international examinations), please inform us of the exams and scores you find most meaningful.
3. Tell us where you have lived – and for how long – since you were born; whether you’ve always lived in the same place, or perhaps in a variety of places. (Required. 100 word limit. Paste in)
4. We all exist within communities or groups of various sizes, origins, and purposes; pick one and tell us why it is important to you, and how it has shaped you. (Required. 150 word limit. Paste in)
5. Why Brown? (Required. 200 word limit. Paste in)
Engineering Majors( Limit your total response to the following 3 questions to 500 words.
Upload. Hint: A .pdf file under 500 KB in size will be accepted.)
1. Many applicants to college are unsure about eventual majors. What factors led you to your interest in Engineering? (Feel free to elaborate on one of your earlier responses.)
2. What experiences beyond school work have broadened your interest?
3. Brown offers ABET accredited programs in Biomedical, Chemical and Biochemical, Computer, Electrical, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering. Aerospace, Environmental, and Structural Engineering can also be pursued within the six core ABET accredited disciplines. Other options include: Sc.B. Civil/Environmental Engineering, Sc.B. Engineering /Physics, A.B. Engineering. (Students entering with the Class of 2017 and beyond who seek to specialize in civil or structural engineering will also have available a new structural mechanics track within the accredited mechanical engineering that will accommodate their interests.) Since there is a common core curriculum within Engineering, students need not select a specific area until their junior year. We are curious to know, however, if any particular program within Engineering presently appeals to you. If so, please discuss that choice.)
Brown-RISD Dual Degree Program.
In choosing to apply for the Brown-RISD A.B./B.F.A. dual degree program, your interests and future plans will be influenced and enhanced by the courses offered by both colleges. We are curious as to why you have chosen to apply for this specific dual degree program; please tell us your reasons for selecting it, and what you envision as its impact on your education and career. (500 word limit. Paste in)
Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics or Physics Applicants
Upload.Hint: A .pdf file under 500 KB in size will be accepted.
Because you have expressed an interest in Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics or Physics, we would like to know a bit more about you. Respond to the following questions separately, and please remember to include the number corresponding to each question in your uploaded response! (Limit your total response to 500 words.)
1. Many applicants to college are unsure about eventual majors. What factors led you to your interest? What experiences beyond school work have broadened your interest? (Feel free to elaborate on one of your previous responses.)
2. What concept in your anticipated major were you most proud of mastering?
3. Briefly describe the course(s) you have taken relating to your chosen field.
Brown-The Program in Liberal Medical Education
Upload.Hint: A .pdf file under 500 KB in size will be accepted.
for this prompt “where you have lived – and for how long”, I am not sure what Brown expects students to write?
Just answer the question straight forward like ” I have been living xxx city since I was born, it is about 17 years? or it needs you to write a tiny story to implicitly tell them where you have been living? or a symbolized place you take as your home but in reality, you did not live there?